Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to Questions often asked by inquisitive fans:

  1. Where was the "Wonderland" video filmed?
    The single "Wonderland" was released on 13th January 1984 and the video was filmed at Timberline Lodge, Mounthood, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. This same location was used in the film 'The Shining'.
  2. Does anyone have copies of the clear vinyl records of "Harvest Home" (COUNX1) & "Fields Of Fire" (COUNX2) listed in the discography inside the "One Great Thing" 12" ('86 Almanac & Discography)?
    These appear to be releases planned by the record company, that were sadly shelved and never pressed or released, which also applies to COUNX3 listed with them. Bizarrely, a 12" single of "Wonderland", which is listed and was released, is missing the catalogue number (COUNX5) and the fact that it is a Clear Vinyl record.
  3. What are the words spoken through a megaphone in the background of the b-side track "Song of The South"?
    The three phrases are: "This is the police", "Keep off the streets" and "Stay in your homes".
  4. Is my LP of "Peace In Our Time" pressed the 'wrong way round'?
    Believe it or not the reverse gatefold sleeve is 'as designed' and has been utilised by several other bands' releases over the years.
  5. Is my copy of "The Greatest Hits Of Big Country And The Skids" signed by Stuart?
    Stuart's signature in the tray of "The Greatest Hits Of Big Country And The Skids" is printed - the CD was released after his death so unfortunately your copy cannot be signed by Stuart. Despite that, these often appear on eBay purporting to be just so.

If you have a question not listed on this page please email me and let me know!

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© 1996 - Oliver Hunter