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Yamaha SG 200, Fender Stratocaster, Hoyer Les Paul, Hondo Les Paul, Fender Musicmaster bass
"I use the Yamaha most often and the Stratocaster on a few songs to change the texture of the music. The other two are spares, the sickeningly yellow hondo being particularly fetching."
Gibson ES 355T - This is a classic model from a classic period, made in the USA in or around 1958. It has a beautiful, natural wood finish and at some point has been lovingly restored. Stuart has only had it for about 6 months, purchased from a shop in London which only deals in rare and vintage guitars.
Moon Custom - Built in the wild and woolly North of Scotland by Jimmy Moon, a guitar maker of distinction. It is the joint effort of design and ideas by both Jimmy Moon and Stuart. It's shape is vaguely telecaster and features include: locking nuts, fine tuners and a bridge with a small whammy bar which you may have seen Stuart use to great effect in "The Teacher".
Gibson Les Paul Custom - Stuart has two of this model. The first is red and bought as new in 1986 and has proved itself out on the road. The second is white, much older than the red, and also much heavier. It is so heavy that it could possibly give Stuart a stoop with extended use! It has a meaty sound and is certainly a 'manly' guitar.
Fender Stratocaster - This was used all during the Crossing Tour. It is finished with a rare and beautiful Antigua grey colour and over the years it has become one of Stuart's favourites. Although it is not used much now for live work, it always goes out the road...
Fender Stratocaster - Brand new and fitted with a Roland GM70 midi system, which gives Stuart a whole range of sounds.

H/H VS Musician Combo
"I bought this amplifer on HP six years ago and have stuck with it ever since. A few years ago some parts detatched themselves from the inside and mysteriously improved the quality of the sound. As well as this hard ringing tone it gives a lovely clean sound when used with the Stratocaster."

Carlsboro echo pedal, MXR pitch shifter

Home Recording
Teac Portastudio, Soundmaster Rhythm Box


Yamaha SG 2000, Yamaha SG 500, Fender Stratocaster, Hondo Les Paul
Fender Jazzmaster - virtually an antique, Bruce got this guitar recently. It's very old but is a classic model, built in America, maybe 20 years ago, age does nothing but improve this guitar. It will be seen very much on future tours. It has a tortoiseshell scratch plate and is easily recognised by its sound.
Moon Custom Guitar - Built by Jimmy Moon at the same time as Stuart's, it includes all the same features, has more of a stratocaster shape and is jet black in colour.
Moon Custom 12-String - Another Jimmy Moon, designed by Bruce and took a long time to make. It was used on both The Seer album and tour. It can also be used as a conventional 6-string. Features include a dampening bar and the design is based on the shape of a Yamaha Sq guitar, it's white in colour.
Gibson Les Paul Custom - Bought as new and is used mainly in songs like "Fields of Fire" and "Harvest Home". The guitar has no gimmicks, just well made to Gibson's usual standards. Very much a rock & roll guitar.
Moon Custom Mandolin - Yet another Jimmy Moon. Bruce wanted a good electric mandolin but most that are available were not quite what Bruce had in mind. Used on The Seer.

Marshall Mk 2 lead, Marshall 4x12 cabinet

Banez chorus pedal, Carlsboro echo pedal


Aria TSB 550 - blond, Aria TSB 550 fretless - eletric blue, Aria TSB 650 - walnut, Rickenbacker 4001 stereo, Wal custom-built bass
"I use the Aria guitars because they are very simple to use on stage and they sound great for recording too. Also I'm sponsored by Aria and get them free."

Trace Elliot 250 watt combo
"This is one of the most compact, solid and clean-sounding amps I've ever heard."

Roland Boss chorus pedal

Home Recording
Fostex four track portastudio, Dr Rhythm rhythm box


Eight Pearl drum kit, Eight Tamma octobans - two for live work, 1 Ludwig 14" x 6.5" snare drum, brass shell

Paiste 16" crash cymbal, Paiste 10" splash cymbal, Zyljian 20" thick ride, Zyljian 17" thin crash, Pair Zyljian 14" hi-hat cymbals, Rayman 20" china cymbal, Rayman 18" china cymbal

"Being in the studio 24 hours a day (it has been known), it just keeps giving a great sound. Oh, I'm also sponsored by Pearl Drums. They're great really."

Taken from the Country Club Fanzine (Issue 1 & 2)

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