20th December 1996
- Added 2 more Cartoons to the Archives section.
- Added Stuart's diary to the Archives section.
13th December 1996
- Added "Mark's Cartoons" to the Archives section.
- Added Tony's diary to the Archives section.
6th December 1996
- Added a B&W photo of Pat Ahern to the "band information" page and a link to Bruce's wedding page.
- Added a page about Bruce and Sandra's wedding with 3 photos.
5th December 1996
- Updated "band information" page with picture of Stuart & Callum, and the original Big Country.
- Reduced file sizes of singles cover scans to minimise loading time.
4th December 1996
- Rescanned 'Ships Postcards' in .JPG format to give higher quality.
- Added remaining (7" single) cover scans to my "BC collection".
2nd December 1996
- Changed the graphics on the main page slightly to reflect the festive season.
- Added 8 more (7" single) cover scans to my "BC collection".
29th November 1996
- Added an interview with Mark Brzezicki to "From the archives".
- Added a photo of me with Tony Butler to the photos pages.
- Added 5 (7" single) cover scans to my "BC collection".
28th November 1996
- Changed the layout of the main page slightly.
- Added 4 pictures to "From the archives".
- Added another 2 articles to "From the archives".
25th November 1996
- Added 2 more clippings to "From the archives".
21st November 1996
- Added 2 more lyrics to "From the archives" and re-scanned The Teacher.
4th November 1996
- Added 3 more clippings to "From the archives".
31st October 1996
- Added the "Big Country World Map of Fans".
23rd October 1996
- Added "From the archives" page.
14th October 1996
- Finalised reformat of main page(s).
9th October 1996
- Changed format & graphics of main page slightly.
- Added link to Philip Dixon's Big Country page.
3rd October 1996
- Added "Scared To Dance" lyrics to Skids pages.
26th September 1996
- Added review from "The Seer Live in New York" video cover.
- Added video Cover Scans to "My BC Collection".
- Added 'link banner' to the main page.
25th September 1996
- Added a link to Gregory Hughes's home page.
- Added Cover Scans to the Cassette singles section of "My BC Collection".
- Added scan of "Eclectic" 2-track promo to the CD albums section of "My BC Collection".
- Added scan of "Joy" LP to Skids discography page.
23rd September 1996
- Added Cover Scans to the Cassette albums section of "My BC Collection".
18th September 1996
- Added Cover Scans to the CD singles section of "My BC Collection".
17th September 1996
- Split "Skids Lyrics" page up into albums and added "Into The Valley" lyrics.
16th September 1996
- Changed layout of BC collection and added cover scans to the CD Albums.
- Added "liner notes" page (linked to CD Albums page).
- Added links to on-line companies selling BC releases.
13th September 1996
- Updated the "band information" page.
9th September 1996
- Added the "about these pages" page.
4th September 1996
- Added a link to Philip Dixon's home page.
3rd September 1996
- Added photos from 1st Convention in Dunfermline 1991.
2nd September 1996
- Slightly re-ordered main page and added link to this page.
- Added this "new additions" page.
- Added picture of band and cover for VS1411 to Skids Discography.
- Changed picture of band on Skids main page.
30th August 1996
- Added history by John Peel to Skids Band History.
28th August 1996
- Added Ships single postcard photos to "Band Information" page.
- Rescanned (at higher resolution) and replaced 1st 3 Dingwalls photos.
- Rescanned (at higher resolution) and replaced Roadmender photos.
- Added the rest of Skids single covers.
27th August 1996
- Added "Skids" pages with band history; CD, video and some record covers.
23rd August 1996
- Added Guildford photos from PIOT tour (with thumbnails).
22nd August 1996
- Added thumbnails to most pictures.
- Added Hexagon & Oxford photos from PIOT tour.
21st August 1996
- Added my BC collection (text only).
20th August 1996
- Added program and music/book covers.
19th August 1996
- Added "Wired!" photos.
16th August 1996
- These pages moved to this address from Yosemite/2384.
14th August 1996
Added remainder of Dingwalls photos.
13th August 1996
Added a guestbook (courtesy of LPage).
12th August 1996
- Added "Eclectic" details to "News Just In" page.
7th August 1996
- Added "The Dissidents" page with input from Thomas Kercheval.
2nd August 1996
- Added '95 convention photos.
- Added Leicester photos.
1st August 1996
- Created these pages (as part of my home page at Yosemite/2384).
Back to the 'current' changes page
Back to the "I hope you like it!" main page.